Common Myths About ADHD

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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed conditions in children. Children with ADHD are usually overly active and find it difficult to control impulsive behaviors and pay attention. While most children have trouble concentrating or behaving at times, those with ADHD usually do not grow out of it with age.

ADHD cannot be fully cured, but the symptoms can be managed so that it becomes better as the child grows. If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, there are a variety of treatments available to help both you and your child. Parents can get training on how to discipline their child with patience. Children with ADHD can be enrolled for behavioral interventions, organizational skills training, and more. Healthcare providers might even prescribe medication if necessary.

Despite being a well-known condition, there are a lot of misconceptions about ADHD in children. These misconceptions add to the stigma around mental illness, which might make it difficult for children to get the diagnosis and treatment they need. Parents need to understand ADHD better in order to provide their children with proper care. Here are some common myths about ADHD.

Girls Don’t Have ADHD

There is a common misconception that only boys can be diagnosed with ADHD. This is a dangerous belief, as it can often lead to ADHD in girls remaining undiagnosed. Boys usually show symptoms externally, such as impulsivity and running around. Girls, on the other hand, show internal symptoms such as appearing spacey and inattentive and having low self-esteem. Girls with ADHD might be more talkative and interruptive than others.

Children With ADHD Aren’t Trying Hard Enough

There is a perception among many that children with ADHD are not trying hard enough to pay attention or sit still. They are often seen as lazy or undisciplined. These misconceptions can lead to the children feeling as if something is wrong with them, leading to low self-esteem. It might also prevent the children from getting the treatment that can help them thrive.

ADHD Medication Is A Pathway To Future Drug Abuse

There is a belief that children who take medication for ADHD are more likely to abuse drugs and become addicted later on in their life, but studies have shown that children who used medication to treat ADHD are less likely to be involved in drug abuse than those whose ADHD was left untreated.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that ADHD can take different forms in different children. Children who have been diagnosed as predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type might show different symptoms than those who have been diagnosed as predominantly inattentive type. Even though children with ADHD are perceived to not be able to focus at all, they can often concentrate on activities that interest them.

Only medication might not be completely effective in managing ADHD symptoms. Children with ADHD might have to try different combinations of therapy and medication to find the right one. Parents play an important part of helping their children manage ADHD patiently and mindfully. Parents can educate themselves and others around them about ADHD to make their children’s surroundings positive and supportive.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.

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