5 Essentials You Need for Hiking This Summer

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If you like to spend your free time in nature and can’t wait to go hiking, you probably know how important good equipment is. 

The mountain is often the perfect choice for an escape from city noise, but you need to remember it can be a dangerous place especially if you don’t prepare accordingly. 

However, a weekend spent in the mountains can be magical and unforgettable, as long as you have the right clothes and equipment, dry and comfortable shoes. Get more useful accessories such as navigation, a watch, and other necessary tools for your activity.

Besides the well-packed backpack with food and enough water to stay hydrated, you need these 5 hiking essentials before you conquer the next mountain top this summer!

5 Essentials You Need for Hiking This Summer

1. Warm Clothes

When you are in the mountains, it is important to have warm, water-proof, and safe outwear. 

You need to be protected from cold, moisture, and wind, but at the same time provide good ventilation and thermal comfort for the body. 

Like outerwear, it is also good to wear comfortable pants that stop moisture and wind, but allow the body to breathe at the same time.

Durable, and are able to handle close contact with sharp stones and rocks like these here.

Make sure you have an additional pair of socks in your backpack and remember that colds usually come from the feet. 

This is an essential tip for people whose feet are sweating more. 

2. Navigation and Technologies

Before hiking, make sure to learn as many details as possible about the location you plan to explore. Check the weather forecast before you plan your hiking. 

Thanks to the latest technologies you can even find your hiking itinerary and see all the essential points. 

Find and read travel guides, recommendations, and travel maps of previous hikers. 

Remember to charge the battery of your phone and to have an additional external battery for your devices. 

Be prepared to meet some areas without phone and internet coverage. For this reason, it is a good idea to inform some relatives and friends what your hiking itinerary is, and approximately when you will get home. 

3. Sunglasses and UV Protection

Sunglasses and UV protections are must-haves year-round when you are hiking. Especially when you are at high altitudes. Sunscreen cosmetics are also a must-have essential to protect your skin from the sun which is more aggressive in the mountains. 

4. Food and Water

Whether it’s a long hike, a short trip or a quick city escape, one of the most important things to add to your backpack is food. Make sure to choose healthy food that will keep you full of energy during the hike and provide your body with essential nutrients.

Sandwiches, nuts, and seeds, energy and protein bars are some ideas you can get.

Of course, do not underestimate the water. 

You will need as much as possible. 

Firstly, you need to stay hydrated as much as possible. 

Secondly, do not forget you are going into nature and you can’t be sure how easily you will find water sources good for consumption. 

5. First Aid Kit

The first aid kit is one of the most important things when you pack your backpack for hiking. No matter the period of hiking you may need to use medication at any time, so always keep it well-charged and, most importantly, dry.

  • universal painkiller, for headache, fever or mild cold;
  • Pills and powders for nausea;
  • Activated carbon for poisoning;
  • Insect repellent;
  • Antiallergic pills in case of insect or reptile bites;
  • Patches, bandages, band-aids
  • Cream for rubbed or cut;
  • Cream for muscles cramps
Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.