7 Hacks to Treat Stretch Marks

Pregnancy can be a unique experience for you as a woman, but it is a real stress for your skin and body. 

Therefore, care for the mummy tummy should begin from the moment you learn the happy news and continue for at least a few months after birth. 

Only in this way do you have a chance to prevent the formation of stretch marks in the areas subjected to the biggest stretching, keep your skin nourished and hydrated, and restore its elasticity after the birth of your little angel.

Usually, stretch marks appear around the sixth month of pregnancy when the baby starts to increase its size intensively. 

Your skin begins to stretch, and you can notice red or purple lines around your belly, hips, and breasts. 

Whether you get stretch marks depends mostly on your skin elasticity. Of course, your weight, and some hormonal changes could become the main factors for getting stretch marks. 

Almost 90% of women are getting stretch marks during and after pregnancy.  Some of them are proud to see these lines and take them as a souvenir from the pregnancy period. 

But most of them are investing in a considerably wide range of methods, resources, and time to get rid of them. 

We have selected some great hacks to treat your stretch marks if you are worried about your skin and willing to increase its elasticity. You can try some of the following easy DIY remedies and techniques. 

7 Hacks to Treat Stretch Marks

7 Hacks to Treat Stretch Marks

The best way to get rid of stretch marks or reduce the risk of them is to hydrate your body and skin from the time you get pregnant. 

Do not wait until the fifth or sixth months of your pregnancy. The sooner- the better.  

You can prepare your body and skin for the upcoming general changes by doing light pregnancy exercises and applying moisturizing products every day. 

This is how you improve your skin elasticity and increase collagen in your body.

You can find a wide range of stretch mark products on the market- natural, bio, and containing essential oils. Most of them actually can give incredibly good results.

You can choose from cream, and lotion to special blends of oils that will help you in the battle with the stretch marks. 

Almost all of them are with rich ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, and retinoids. Ingredients that help your skin be more elastic and moisturized. 

1. Olive Oil 

This is a magical natural oil that moisturizes and nourishes your skin. You will notice in many moisturizing products that olive oil is a common ingredient. 

You can start using olive oil as an addition to your body cream and lotion. It is a trusted and completely natural and safe product.

2. Milk, Sugar, and Coconut Water

If you like to prepare homemade masks and scrubs try this exotic blend. 

Even if you are pregnant your skin regeneration process should be stimulated with gentle scrubs and massages. 

You need some milk, sugar, coconut water and oil, and an essential oil like lavender or citrus.

Mix two tablespoons of milk, and half a tablespoon of sugar, and add a few drops of the essential oils. 

Apply over the stretch marks and rub for 3-5 minutes. Rinse with water and dry. Apply coconut water and let it dry. 

Then apply coconut oil. Leave it for about 30-40 minutes, rinse and apply your body lotion or moisturizer. You can do this scrub up to three times a week to reduce and eliminate stretch marks.

3. Vitamin E 

Vitamin E is a popular ingredient for youthful, healthy skin, as it speeds up the recovery process and increases its elasticity. Vitamin E is one of the key ingredients in all anti-wrinkle products. 

You can use vitamin E oil to remove even stretch marks by mixing a few drops of it in jojoba or any other base oil and massaging the affected skin areas. 

There is no need to rinse it because it can be absorbed by the skin. 

4. Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a popular plant used in various cosmetic and medical products. It works best in its natural form, so all you need is to squeeze the gel from the leaves of aloe vera. 

Even if you do not grow aloe vera at home you can find natural plant leaves on the market. 

Apply it immediately to the skin, massaging it gently, and rinse after 20-30 minutes. It is an absolutely natural stretch marks remedy, so you can repeat the process daily to extra moisturize the skin and help the regeneration processes. 

You can give extra hydration to your body, you can drink freshly squeezed aloe vera juice. 

5. Honey 

It is a natural gold for many purposes.

  • Deeply moisturizes the skin
  • Pore cleanser
  • Natural exfoliator
  • Lightens scars
  • Effective for sunburns
  • Fights acne 

And of course, it can be used as an anti-stretch mark remedy thanks to its quality as an effective natural moisturizer. Furthermore, it nourishes the skin and leaves it soft and smooth. You can apply raw honey to your skin, leave it for 20-30 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Honey is an essential ingredient for homemade body scrubs. You need approximately 3 tablespoons of honey, 2 tablespoons of brown sugar, and one tablespoon of olive or coconut oil. 

Mix everything and gently massage the skin, using circular motions.  Leave it for about  5-10 minutes and rinse.

6. Lemon Juice 

Besides a glass of warm water with lemon early in the morning, you can use the lemon juice to get rid of stretch marks too. 

It accelerates the process of skin rejuvenation and reduces the size of stretch marks. It is important to say that the lemon juice method is most effective on fresh stretch marks. 

Simply squeeze the juice of one lemon and rub it over the stretch marks. In case you have more sensitive skin, you can mix the juice with jojoba oil. Leave it for 10-15 minutes and apply your daily body moisturizer.

7. Blends of Natural Oils 

You can find different natural oil blends or simply mix them according to your personal preferences.

Some of the most suitable natural oils against stretch marks are jojoba oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, and almond oil. You can use them separately, or mixed in equal amounts.

To make the experience a real home DIY SPA procedure, you can also add a few drops of essential oil such as rose, lavender, or citrus oil.

Whatever combination of oils you choose, it is important to apply regularly and massage in a circular motion after application.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.