How to Stop Hair Loss

Hair loss, also commonly known as alopecia, is a common disorder that experts estimate affects more than 80 million people in the United States alone.

It’s by and large one of the commonest hair problems that hundreds of millions of people globally are reeling from its consequences hence the quest to get to the bottom of the problem.

Which, as a matter of interest, begs the never-ending question; “how does one stop hair loss?” First thing first, it’s imperative to know that each of us experiences a degree of hair loss in one way or another.

In fact, the average person loses about 100 strands per day, but you will hardly notice this, considering that new ones will typically replace them almost as fast.

How to Stop Hair Loss 1

What Determines the Condition of Your Hair

Even before getting into the specifics of how to stop hair loss, it’s worthwhile familiarizing yourself with some of the factors that govern and influence your hair’s health. Here’s a quick premise on that.

Hormonal factors: Both male and female hormones are known to contribute significantly to your rate of hair growth and health. Androgen, for instance, is responsible for how fast (or not) hair grows in men and also to some extent in women.

Now considering that the levels of androgen decrease significantly with age, it’s not surprising for folks to notice a significant decline in the rate of their hair growth as they get older, alongside tell-tale signs such as less lustrous hair and more thinning.

Genetics: Just like the color and texture of your skin, genetic factors have a lot of say on the density and state of your hair. In fact, a big chunk of your hair’s growth rate and texture is extremely reliant on your genetic makeup.

What’s more, female and male pattern baldness is one of the many symptoms of hereditary hair loss, which makes some men more prone to premature hair loss than others.

Stress: Trichologists and dermatologists typically consider stress to be one of the more unusual hair loss causes.

Speaking of which, there’s a condition known as telogen effluvium (temporary hair loss), which is usually exacerbated by chronic emotional stress.

Medications: Medicines for arthritis, gout, high blood pressure, oral contraceptives, and even some antidepressants have been observed to influence hair loss in both men and women.

Thyroid disorders: As surprising as this may sound, hormones that are secreted by the thyroid are known to affect the metabolism of cells nestled within your hair follicles.

If anything, it is not unusual for a spike in your thyroid hormones to precipitate hair loss and brittleness. The same can be said of other similar autoimmune disorders such as Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and ulcerative colitis.

Diet: You probably know that your hair is primarily made of keratin. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that a properly balanced diet featuring high-quality sources of protein is needed to keep your hair healthy.

What’s more, alongside proteins, vitamins are typically required to trigger your hair cycle as specific vitamins are capable of triggering the anagen phase while postponing the telogen phase.

Additionally, hair-friendly supplements such as liquid collagen hair growth additives can aid in filling in nutritional gaps in your dietary regimen.

Lifestyle factors: Smoking has long been linked to premature/unexplained baldness and progressive hair loss. Apparently, continuous and unabated smoking usually restricts the proper flow of blood in one’s body, especially within the follicles, something which retards the growth of hair.

Toxins in cigarette smoke, on the other hand, can also irreparable damage to your hair follicles, thereby instigating follicular inflammation.

Hair care practices: It’s no secret that there exist certain hair products that contain abrasive chemicals known to damage and weaken the human hair, which causes temporary hair loss.

Shampoos containing alcohol and polyethylene glycol, for instance, ought to be avoided at all costs considering that they are known to cause hair brittleness.

The same can be said of hair dyes that contain paraphenylenediamine, which causes allergic reactions and scalp irritation, something that could eventually result in unexplained hair thinning.

How Can One Stop Hair Loss?

Having familiarized yourself with some of the major causes of hair loss, it’s only fair to shift our attention to some measures one can take to stem hair loss.

  • Through Medical Intervention

There’s no shortage of options for anyone who is looking for over-the-counter hair loss medication. Minoxidil, which is available in both form and solution form, is a good example of a topical hair loss medication that is approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a treatment for unexplained hair loss.

  • Using Folk/Home Remedies

Your scalp health determines your overall rate of hair growth and the general state of the follicles. It, therefore, goes without saying that keeping it in excellent shape by washing and massaging it regularly (using the right products) is the first step to stemming hair loss. And while at it, avoid treating or bleaching your hair using abrasive chemicals, dyes, perms, or peroxide treatments.

  • Supplements and Nutritional Fixes

Munching on vegetables, fruits, and protein – some of the main ingredients of a recommended Mediterranean diet – can play a crucial role in stopping the progression of hair loss, especially if it results from a nutritional deficiency.

Bolster this with a suitable supplement such as this liquid collagen hair growth matrix to improve your chances of stemming any hair loss that could be instigated by a poor diet.

Raw Science Liquid Collagen and Biotin Drops for Hair — Pros and Cons

At this juncture, you might be curious to know how this liquid collagen hair growth formula by Raw Science stacks up against other hair supplements on the market.


  • Formulated for faster hair growth through a combination of easy absorbable collagen and biotin matrix
  • Promotes having and keeping a healthy scalp
  • Non-GMO and vegan-friendly


  • A bit pricier than other collagen boosters in the market, although the inclusion of discounted prices when you purchase it in bulk should shield you from this.

In Closing

A head full of healthy and lustrous-looking hair can do wonders for your physical appearance, not to mention that it is also a major confidence boost.

And while hair loss can be distressing, you can take comfort in knowing that there are a few things that you can employ to encourage hair growth and prevent systemic thinning or falling out of your precious tresses.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.