6 Medical Supplies Every Mom Should Have

Being a mom is hard enough as it is, but when you add medical emergencies into the mix, it can be downright daunting.

That’s why it’s important to have a few medical supplies on hand at all times, just in case something comes up. This blog post will discuss some medical supplies that every mom should have!

Medical Supplies Every Mom Should Have 1

Breathing Aids 

Lack of oxygen can cause severe consequences, and you need to react swiftly if something like that happens. Most families nowadays have a tracheostomy supply in their homes in order to ensure that they are prepared for anything.

Breathing aids are a medical supply that every mom should have on hand, just in case. 

You never know when your child might need it, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Breathing aids can help provide oxygen to the lungs and prevent serious health complications. 

In order to use breathing aids properly, it is important to consult with a medical professional. They can help you choose the right breathing aid for your child and teach you how to use it properly. 

A Thermometer

You’ll often have to take your toddler’s temperature, as many things cause a fever in them. A simple way to do that is by using a thermometer.

Even if your kiddo doesn’t have a fever, a thermometer can come in handy as you can check for a fever before giving medication.

A thermometer is a medical supply every mom should have because it is such a simple way to take a temperature. You can check for fever before giving medication, and it can help you determine if your child is sick.

There are different kinds of thermometers, but it’s suggested to use a rectal for babies because it’s the most accurate. You can also use a temporal artery, ear, or forehead thermometer.

If you’re not comfortable taking a rectal temperature, don’t worry, as you can always ask your doctor or a nurse how to correctly use another type of thermometer.

Vitamin Supplements

There are various vitamins both the mother and the kids should frequently take. These are the following:

  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B
  • Folic acid
  • Iron 
  • Zinc
  • Omega-three fatty acids

A multivitamin is a vitamin that contains many different vitamins and minerals.

They are also known as dietary supplements. Supplements help to fill in the gaps of what we may not be getting from our diet.

It is important for every mother to take these vitamin supplements daily. It is best to speak with a doctor or nutritionist to cater what vitamin supplements are best for you and your family. 

Nasal Aspirator 

Nasal aspirators are used to help relieve a stuffy nose. They are commonly used by infants and small children but can be used on adults as well.

Nasal aspirators work by suctioning mucus from the nose. This can help to clear the airway and make breathing easier.

There are many different types of nasal aspirators available on the market. Some are manual, while others are battery-operated.

Manual nasal aspirators typically have a bulb that is squeezed to create the suction. Battery-operated nasal aspirators often have a small motor that helps to create the suction.

Rash Cream 

Rashes are a frequent issue for kids, and they can be really uncomfortable. A good rash cream can help soothe the skin and provide relief.

Rash creams are a great medical supply for moms to have on hand.

There are a variety of rash creams available, so you can find one that works well for your family.

Some rash creams are designed for specific types of rashes, while others can be used for general purposes. Be sure to read the labels carefully to find a rash cream that will work well for your needs.

Rash creams can be applied directly to the skin or added to clothing. If you choose to add rash cream to clothing, be sure to do it before putting the clothes on your child. 

Pain Medicine 

Pain medicine is needed both for adults and kids at times. It can be given for pain management from surgery, an injury, or just to help with teething pain for babies.

There are many types of pain medicine that can be bought over the counter at any pharmacy. 

The most common ones are acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Aspirin is also a pain medicine, but it’s not recommended for kids under the age of 18 unless directed by a doctor.

Tylenol is another pain reliever that can be found in most households. These medicines work by either blocking pain signals from going to the brain or by reducing inflammation.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.