From Bare to Beautiful: Revamp Your Lawn to Create a Haven for Biodiverse Wildlife

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The perfectly matching manicured lawns are becoming a thing of the past. Homeowners and neighborhoods are starting to realize the negative impact we’ve had on the environment, from simple things like mowing in the same pattern and throwing away our dry leaves in the fall. Instead, we’re turning to Wildscaping.

Wildscaping is when you plan your lawn with wildlife and soil health in mind. It encourages pollinators and birds and provides resources for them and other wildlife. This leads to a healthier, happier ecosystem and more life in the area.

Sound good? Keep reading to learn the best tips and tricks for revamping your lawn to create a haven for biodiverse wildlife!

Revamp Your Lawn to Create a Haven for Biodiverse Wildlife

Toss the Pesticides and Herbicides

Most products for pests and weeds are toxic to the environment, even if they are safe for humans and pets. They still kill insects and, in turn, make anything that feeds on said insects sparse.

This includes bees, butterflies, and ladybugs, as well as the birds, bats, and other critters that eat them. Many things that humans have derided as weeds have their uses in an ecosystem, like Dandelions.

Did you know every part of the dandelion is edible? It’s also a great resource for early pollinators.

You can find a myriad of natural solutions to help keep pests from entering your home. For instance, plants in the mint family tend to repel most insects, and peppermint oil or cinnamon can deter ants.

Go Native

Native plants have grown to thrive in your area and best serve the wildlife there. They provide food, shelter, and materials for birds, insects, and small mammals.

Choose a range of plants with different colors, textures, and blooming times to have a gorgeous yard year-round.

Another good idea is to have plants and trees that thrive in differing seasons. This will help keep your space attractive to people and wildlife alike.

Composting and Sustainability

Compost is a great way to deal with most food waste. Rather than sending it to a landfill somewhere, you’re creating an additional food source for any special plants or gardens in your lawn. Compost helps your gardens grow healthily; for your grass, you’ll want an expert lawn fertilizer.

Don’t be put off by chemical words like nitrogen and potassium— these are natural and good for a healthy, well-fed lawn! Ideally, wildscaping will help re-establish natural sources of these, but for now, slow-releasing fertilizer is a natural help.

A healthy lawn provides a good foundation for your wildscape.

You can increase your sustainability by growing food products like vegetables and other goodies. Still, you’ll need to check your neighborhood and city for restrictions regarding gardens, livestock animals, and rainwater collection.

If you want to have hens for eggs or rain barrels for water collection, you may have guidelines to follow— some neighborhoods straight up ban them. Make sure you stay within ordinances and laws and do as best you can.

Shelters and Feeding Stations

A great way to invite wildlife to enjoy your yard is to offer resources like feeders, water stations, and houses. If you use a bird bath, consider placing a variety of stones to both enhance the look and make the feature accessible to insects.

Bird houses come in a variety of sizes and designs, and some areas allow you to build a bat house. Bats can help keep your insect population under control, and giving them a place to stay keeps them from burrowing under your roof or deck instead.

Feeding stations can also vary. Squirrels and corvids love things like shelled peanuts, whereas other birds prefer a variety of seeds.

Butterflies and insects enjoy fruit slices on a shallow platter, and you can put out a container of sugar water for hummingbirds. Be sure not to use synthetic hummingbird nectar with red dye, as it can make them sick.

To make the most of your wildscaping, look up what species are native to your area and what they like best, then plan ways to accommodate them.

If you have a pool, be sure to add a small ramp so that any wildlife that accidentally falls in has a way out.

Vibrant and Lively

Adding native biodiversity to your lawn is great for wildlife, but it’s also great for you! A healthy, lively lawn is more enjoyable, and a healthy ecosystem benefits everyone.

You can DIY your scaping, or you can reach out to a landscaper that specializes in wild lawns; they can give you expert tips and tricks on how to maintain your yard and keep it within acceptable standards for your neighborhood while still providing for local wildlife and encouraging a healthy ecosystem.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.