8 Tips to Retake a Subject After an Unsuccessful First Attempt

It’s discouraging to find out at the end of a semester or academic year that you didn’t score a passing grade in a specific subject. You’re probably worried you will fail again.

Maybe you’re contemplating whether a professional online service will help you to hire paper writers and improve your grades. Luckily, with these tips, you can confidently retake any subject and get a grade that allows you to graduate or proceed to the next academic level or year.

Retake a Subject After an Unsuccessful First Attempt

Stay Open-Minded

Remain flexible in your thinking and avoid preconceived notions about what the question might entail. Instead, embrace uncertainty and be prepared to adapt your approach based on the specific demands of each question.

This mindset fosters a more comprehensive and accurate response, regardless of whether the questions are similar or different from what you’ve encountered before.

Don’t forget to prepare as if you’re encountering the material for the first time and review all relevant content comprehensively to ensure you’re well-prepared for any question that may arise.


This technique is suitable not just for students retaking a subject, it’s also ideal for learners at all academic levels. It’s a way to identify knowledge gaps so that you can allocate more time to weak areas.

Pretests can boost students’ confidence by familiarizing them with the exam format and content. This awareness can reduce test anxiety and increase students’ confidence in their ability to perform well on the retake.

Space Out

Massed practice, or cramming, is a strategy students sometimes use to study uninterrupted over a relatively short period. Simply put, it’s an attempt to learn large amounts of material in a condensed timeframe.

Cramming doesn’t yield positive results because it leads to short-term retention, which beats the purpose of education.

When you pace your studies, the brain reinforces connections, which lead to a stronger memory retention. It also strengthens memory retrieval and prevents information decay.

When a student spaces out the study sessions, it eliminates brain overload, which increases stress and reduces concentration. In fact, when the mind is overwhelmed, it becomes less effective at comprehending and retaining new information.

Study Effectively

Did you know that there are study techniques that can help you learn effectively? You’re probably used to studying for long hours, and you assume that’s the ideal method for understanding academic content.

While it can work in some cases, if you’re retaking a subject, it’s best to try other techniques that will ensure you study smarter.

Some good studying techniques include the Pomodoro and Feynman. However, not all study methods are equal. Some take time to understand, while others are suitable for specific academic levels.

Some methods, such as practice testing and elaborative interrogation, promote knowledge retention and transfer. In contrast, others may focus on short-term memorization rather than fostering deeper understanding or application.

Besides, we all have different learning styles and preferences. So, what works well for one person may be less effective for another? Effective study techniques take into account your learning styles, preferences, and cognitive strengths.

Learn From Subject Experts

Technology has made it possible to access subject experts from anywhere in the world. That means if you fail in math and know your weak area is geometry or calculus, you can find an online subject expert to teach you.

The benefit of taking this route is that subject experts will clarify complex concepts and topics that are challenging for the students during their initial preparation for the exam.

By offering clear explanations and examples, they can help the student develop a deeper understanding of the material.

You can also ask these professionals to review previous exam results and identify areas for improvement. Since experts are well-versed in their field of study, they can correct any misconceptions you may have about certain concepts.

That way, by providing accurate information and addressing gaps in understanding, you will be well-prepared for the retake. You can also opt to buy essays online as a way to learn from a subject expert.

Be Positive

If you have chosen to retake the test for a specific subject, it is because you are very clear about your educational goals. In this case, no matter how many times you fail or feel discouraged, it’s best to adopt an enthusiastic attitude.

Retakes offer a chance to demonstrate growth and progress. Viewing the experience positively allows you to approach retakes as opportunities to learn from past mistakes. A positive mindset can also boost motivation and commitment to succeed.

Believing in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals increases your drive to put forth your best effort. This drive can lead to a more dedicated and focused approach to studying, ultimately improving your chances of success in the retake.

To cultivate enthusiasm, define specific goals for the retake, such as achieving a higher score or mastering certain concepts. Students can also use positive imagery and affirmations to reinforce belief in their ability to succeed.

Say No to Stress

Many test takers fail not because they are unprepared but because they become anxious throughout the exam. One advantage of retaking is the increased knowledge of the subject and exam procedure.

These two factors alone should reduce your anxiety levels for future tries. However, if anxiety becomes an issue, you must develop coping skills. For many people, meditation is a beneficial and efficient way to manage anxiety.

Furthermore, a healthy lifestyle strengths your resilience to stress and improves cognitive function, which works to enhance your ability to perform well on another attempt.

Adjust Mental State

Be kind and understanding towards yourself during the retake process. Acknowledge any disappointment or frustration. But, shower yourself with the same love and support you’d eagerly dish out to a friend dealing with the same challenge.

Secondly, focus on the positive aspects of your life to shift your perspective and replace negative thoughts with positive alternatives.

Finally, remind yourself that academic setbacks are a natural part of learning and growth and that you can overcome anything.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.