Eggs are versatile and nutritious food that can be used in many different recipes, and storing them properly is essential to ensure they remain safe to eat.
Unfortunately, eggs often get neglected when it comes to storage, leading people to store them improperly or not at all.
This can lead to increased food waste and potential health risks if the eggs become spoiled before you have a chance to use them. The good news is that there are several helpful and easy ways you can store your eggs properly so they stay fresh longer and don’t go bad prematurely.
From refrigerating eggs in their shells immediately after purchase to boiling large batches of hard-boiled eggs ahead of time for convenience during the week – these are just some of the helpful tips to be discussed today on how best to store your eggs effectively!
1. Refrigerate Eggs in Their Shells
The best way to store eggs is to refrigerate them in their shells, as soon as possible after purchase and within two hours of collecting if your eggs were gathered from the garden or farm. This will help keep them fresher for a longer period and prevent bacteria from growing.
The refrigerator should be kept at 40°F or below, and you can even store eggs in the coldest part of your fridge (the back) for extra protection.
Eggs should never be stored in the door of a refrigerator due to temperature fluctuations that occur when it is opened and closed.
Make sure to store eggs away from foods with strong odors, as the porous eggshell allows them to absorb unwanted smells and flavors.
2. Boil Large Batches of Hard-Boiled Eggs Ahead of Time
If you want to save time in the kitchen during the week, consider boiling a large batch of hard-boiled eggs on the weekend for convenience.
This will give you a supply of eggs that are already cooked and can be used for salads, snacks, or other recipes.
This method is also great if you get a bulk order of farm-fresh eggs that need to be used quickly. If you’re using barn laid eggs, pay attention to the boiling duration—eggs laid on the same day can take longer to cook than store-bought eggs.
The nutrients might also be slightly different, so it’s important to consider that before boiling.
Next, to store hard-boiled eggs in the refrigerator safely, make sure to cool them as quickly as possible before refrigerating.
To do this, place the boiled eggs in cold water with some ice cubes added for a few minutes and then store them in an airtight container.
3. Freeze Eggs in Their Shells
If you have extra eggs that you won’t be able to use even within a few weeks, consider freezing them in their shells as this is an easy way to store eggs for up to one year and can help reduce food waste.
To freeze eggs, simply crack them into a freezer-safe container and fill it with water.
Then make sure to label the container with the date of freezing and use it within 12 months for best results. When you’re ready to use the frozen eggs, place them in cold water for 10 minutes before cooking or thawing at room temperature for four hours.
You can also freeze eggs without shells, in a separate container, so that you can use them for different recipes. Just remember to remove the air from each container before freezing and always defrost in the refrigerator (not at room temperature).
4. Store Eggs In The Carton They Came In
When buying eggs, make sure to store them in their original carton as this helps keep moisture and humidity out of the eggs.
This is important because it prevents them from going bad prematurely and keeps them fresher for a longer time.
The carton also acts as a protective barrier against any accidental breakage or cracking, which can lead to bacteria entering the egg white and yolk. However, you shouldn’t freeze eggs in the carton they came in as this can damage them and cause freezer burn.
Of course, don’t forget to check that the “use by” date on the carton is still valid before purchasing eggs from the store. There is a lot of variation between egg brands, so make sure to buy the freshest eggs available.
And lastly, never store raw eggs and cooked eggs together since this can lead to cross-contamination and foodborne illnesses.
5. Use Egg Trays To Separate and Protect Eggs
If you’re looking for a more organized way to store your eggs in the refrigerator, consider using egg trays rather than leaving them loose in the carton. This helps keep the eggs safe, organized, and easy to access.
Egg trays are also great if you’re storing different sizes of eggs together—like large, medium, and small—as they allow each size to have its compartment. Plus, egg trays are often dishwasher-safe so they can be easily cleaned after use.
Most refrigerators are equipped with an egg tray on the inside door, but you can move them to the main part of the fridge, to avoid temperature changes. Just make sure to use a plastic or silicone tray, as these are less likely to cause eggs to crack when transferring them from one location to another.
6. Different Types of Eggs Can Be Stored Differently
When storing eggs, it’s important to take into account the different types of eggs you may have. For instance, duck and quail eggs should be stored in an airtight container, whereas chicken and goose eggs should be kept in a cool, dry place away from any direct heat sources.
Free-range eggs, for instance, can also be stored in an airtight container or even in a cool, dark area like a larder as they are more robust than other types of eggs, while organic eggs should be stored in their original carton and kept away from sources of heat or direct sunlight.
Regardless of the type of egg, it’s important to remember that all eggs should be used within three weeks for optimal freshness.
When it comes to storing eggs, there are several different methods you can use depending on the type of egg and how long you plan to store them.
From freezing in their shells or without, using an egg tray for organization, keeping them in their original carton, or even a cool dark area like a larder – each option has its benefits.
No matter what method you choose, always make sure that your eggs are stored at the correct temperature and humidity levels as well as being used within three weeks of purchase for optimal freshness. With these simple tips in mind, you’ll be able to ensure that your eggs stay safe and delicious!