The Importance of Play in Early Childhood – Infographic

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We all know kids love to play, but do you know how important it actually is? Child’s play may be simple as 1-2-3, but what we do know but don’t think of is the benefits it has to our kids.

What we see are bruised knees, dirty clothes and a whole lot of adrenaline running through their tiny veins. Simple child’s play in the park or outside your house seems like such a routine, you don’t think any more of it.

What we don’t know is that there are many things to be considered and thought of even during their playing process.

Just  to give you a bit of perspective on how important it is, think of Finland. Finland is on top of the list in producing the best students. And, they have the shortest school hours. The rest of their students’ time in school is dedicated to playing.

This infographic will give you data regarding skills developed, what kind of play develops these skills, how to make the most of their play time and how to promote positive learning through playing.

It might take you a few minutes to read completely but the benefits you reap are definitely worth it.


the importance of play

Didn’t think playing would hold this much intellectual information, did you? I didn’t either. Who would have thought our numerous hours spent sitting on a park bench, watching and waiting for our little tykes to run out of battery actually helped them in one way or another?

Who would have thought our numerous hours spent sitting on a park bench, watching and waiting for our little tykes to run out of battery actually helped them in one way or another?

In retrospect, we have been made aware of these developments. Think back. Your child has probably told you about a new friend he made while riding the seesaw. Or the scientific observation he made by watching ants in the sandbox.

Such are skills they can learn even in the simplest play set up. I mean, how else can you easily develop social skills? When you’re having a good time!

Your kids learn to interact with other kids, take turns, share and exchange child stories. They develop their motor skills by climbing jungle gyms and hanging onto monkey bars.

The World’s Best Education System

Let’s talk about Finland’s education system again. They have the most successful and effective education system in the world. And, up to now, I cannot comprehend why other countries refuse to do the same? Check out this video.

YouTube video

Do you agree? Don’t you think this could be the break most education systems are looking for?

Finland has proven and studies backed up by facts show that playtime is vital and important to a child’s learning.

Of course, we don’t expect you to just alter your entire schedule just to make room for more play time. But, encouraging your kids to socialize and play outside with neighbors under a watchful eye can make a whole lot of difference in their lives. It may even make their school life a lot less scary.

That was a lot of information to take. What do you think? Has this got your mind gears turning? If they are, then we have accomplished our goal here.

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Lucia is a freelance writer and part of the editorial team at momooze. She loves covering lifestyle topics, organizing tips and hacks and everything related to good food!

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