Kind to the Planet: 7 Smart Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste in Your Home

Our daily life is surrounded by plastic products. Plastic cups, bottles, plates, straws, packaging, and etc. It is time to think green, and take action to reduce plastic waste in your home, and re-order the eco-balance.
According to some eco-organizations, plastic food boxes and packaging are the largest component of municipal waste – 80 million tonnes or 31.7%

In other words, together with plastic bags, they represent the largest component of marine litter.
The problem is global and scary! So think twice next time you add colorful straws to your cocktail. You can all help reduce plastic waste without much effort with basic lifestyle changes.

LED lighting, solar panels for heating, and hot water are great innovative ways that are not only money-saving alternatives but also tools for a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Moreover, governments start using different tools in order to solve the plastic waste problem globally.

This includes new regulations, new tax credits for households and businesses.

If you have asked yourself questions like “How to live more eco?”, here are some things you can change in your home and help nature.

  • Electricity– Always try to use natural light, it is healthier for your eyes and your plants at home. And if you have not already changed it is better to replace the bulbs in your home with LED lighting – this type of bulbs are more expensive, but are low energy and more durable.
  • Heating– One of the best thing you can do is to choose eco-friendly heating system. There are various of environmentally friendly and energy efficient options of heating systems. Solar panels and heat pumps are one of the latest modifications that use natural energy sources, converting water and sun into heat.

Avoid Packaged Foods or Choose Foods in Plastic-Free Packaging

You can find almost all products presented in different packages on the store’s shelves. For example, milk can be in a cardboard box, plastic bottle, or bag. The same goes for washing powders, cereals, juices. Make the right choice and use less plastic!

Even fruits and vegetables are wrapped in nylon and plastic bags, and containers.
You can simply visit the local market, where you can find and buy all this without additional plastic wrappers. In addition, you will get seasonal products from local producers, and not least you will reduce plastic waste.

Do Not Use Plastic Bags

Go shopping with a fabric or mesh bag. In fact, the mesh bag is a brilliant alternative to plastic bags. You can fold it and have it in your purse without taking up so much space.

So you will have a great replacement for the plastic bags that you are even paying for when you are shopping. Besides, it is eco-friendly, plus it saves money too.

If you still can’t avoid the usage of plastic bags, do your best for multiple uses. It is time to think about the oceans, turtles, and seagulls, here is why do not throw away your plastic bags.

Stop Buying Plastic Bottled Water

Each plastic bottle you use means you are contributing to a large-scale plastic problem, even if you later recycle it.

Switching to reusable bottles, or filter installations on your water tap is a simple way to reduce plastic waste. Do not forget that each plastic bottle actually takes 400 years to decompose, and only 5% of plastic waste is recycled.

If you stop the consumption of bottled water is a small step with a huge impact on waste and plastic pollution of the planet.

Stop Using Disposable Coffee Cups

Take-out coffee from your favorite coffee shop may seem harmless, but disposable coffee cups are key ingredients in global pollution. Think about alternative ways to deal with this without giving up caffeine. Use reusable bamboo cups instead, or thermal mugs for multiple usages.

Food Storage

Forget plastic boxes and utensils, look for a few jars and reusable boxes.
Packed sandwiches, drink bottles, separate bags of products, and those little fruit boxes are all sources of plastic waste. Carrying your reusable box is often healthier, cheaper, and much more environmentally friendly. A metal lunch box and bottles or ones made of bamboo fibers are great sustainable options for lunch on the go.

The same refers to food storage at your home. It is better to use glass jars, and food storage options, instead of plastic ones. You can store the jars in the closet, refrigerator, and freezer – just check how full they are when you freeze them – you need to leave room for expansion … you don’t want the broth to explode in the freezer, do you!

Plan Home Gatherings and Parties Carefully

Plan your next celebration, and family gathering more eco-friendly! Avoid plastic plates, cups, and cutlery.

Try serving foods that are edible by hand so you don’t need these plastic accessories, or if utensils are a must, look for bamboo alternatives.

Cook at Home More Often

You can reduce plastic waste in your home by preparing homemade meals. Think about how many plastic packages go into your home getting a take-out. Plastic containers for each salad dressing, or sauce. Individual cutlery sets are packed in plastic and the list goes on.

You can replace the store-bought salad dressing or sauces, often plastic packed, with a homemade version with fresh ingredients from the market!

Yes, it takes planning, but you can have a fun weekend by going shopping with your family and then preparing some basic food for the whole week together. This makes your week easier and eco-friendly!

Reduce Plastic Waste Today with These Steps:

  • Order glass containers for your food to replace plastic ones
  • Buy steel or paper straws to replace your plastic straws
  • Recycle all plastic containers and disposable utensils you have at home
  • Educate your family about the importance of recycling materials
  • Buy toiletries in bulk sizing and simply top up the bottles you use in your bathroom – much cheaper and you won’t need to worry about ever running out of shower gel or shampoo
  • Upgrade your coffee machine to a model that doesn’t use disposable coffee capsules (another source of waste)
  • Install water tap filters
reduce plastic waste
Antoaneta's passion is healthy living, lifestyle, and sports. Her short stay in South France and USA is her wider source of inspiration. Interested in modern models of education, travel, and home interior.