Unique Gifts Ideas For Your Dad’s Birthday

The two things we all love are birthdays and birthday gifts. But what we love the most are our dads. Dads are the only people who never leave our side, no matter how tough the situation might be. They are always there, standing like a rock behind us. From learning how to walk to learning how to stand up on our own feet in life, there is hardly anything that we can do without their valuable support.

This is the very reason why you should grab every opportunity you can get to tell your dad how much he means to you. Unfortunately, most of us often fail to do that. We only express our love with a ‘Happy Father’s Day!’ card, once a year. Needless to say, that’s not enough. Dads deserve so much more than that.

A good way to up your ‘I Love You Dad’ game is by celebrating his birthday as grandly as he did yours in your childhood. Invite all his friends and family members, put up his favourite music, and home cook his favourite meals. But the most important part is getting him the right birthday gift. It alone can bring a smile to his face, bright enough to light up the entire room.

So, for the sake of our collective love for dads all around the world, here are a few unique gift ideas for their birthday:

Superhero Bobblehead

Dads are superheroes. Simple. Big or small, they can save us from all kinds of problems that life may throw at us. That’s why there is no better gift than a superhero bobblehead for their birthdays. It not only reflects their true role in our lives but also adds a pinch of fun to it. You can either gift your dad a bobblehead doll of his favourite superhero or get one custom made just for him. You can even add his face to a superhero bobblehead.

Such figures are easy to find online. Plus, they are generally very affordable. This means that even if you are not earning currently, you can give your dad one of the best and the funniest gifts on his birthday.

So what are you waiting for? Order high-quality bobbleheads now.

A Stylish Watch

Dads are known to love watches. Thus, this is a gift that will never backfire. No matter the profession or age of your dad, a stylish watch will always cheer him up. To go a little extra, you can even slip a handwritten note saying ‘This isn’t just a watch, but my time that I am gifting you today. No matter what, I am always going to be by your side. I Love you dad!’  or anything else. Feel free to improvise!

The only problem with this idea is that watches are quite expensive. So, if you wish to go forward with this idea, you might have to start saving money a few months before his birthday (in case you do not earn).

A Personalised Jersey

If your dad is a sports fan, then giving him a personalised jersey seems like the perfect idea. Whether it’s baseball, cricket or basketball, you can easily get his jersey printed and delivered to his doorstep. Thanks to online sports accessories stores. Alternatively, you can also improvise this idea a bit, and gift him a jersey signed by his favourite sportsman.


The list of gift ideas for dads is probably endless. There is so much we can and should do for them. Therefore, we hope that you can make your dad smile on his birthday using any one of our ideas.

Also, happy birthday to all the dads in advance!

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.