4 Ways Employers Can Support Working Moms

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Working moms make up a significant portion of employees, so companies need to remember they have special needs.

Moms that work need to find a balance between their new family and their career. Being a working mom comes with many challenges that must be faced daily.

Even so, the experience of having a supportive environment in the workplace can go a long way in making the journey a lot easier.

To meet the needs of working mothers, it is crucial to find allies at work who can give them the support and assistance they need to manage their busy lives. 

Employers must acknowledge that working parents are part of the working environment. Creating a policy that allows new parents to adjust to their unique needs will help to improve company culture.

Employee satisfaction is crucial during this period. Corporations may choose to bring in an executive coach for women to support their new moms in navigating their work and home lives or provide extended paid leave.

Let’s take a closer look at how employers can support working moms. 

4 Ways Employers Can Support Working Moms

Offer Schedule Flexibility

For working moms, flexible work hours can be a beneficial tool. In a flexible work environment, employees do not have to worry about fixed schedules and can change their routines at any time. Give them the option of making up the missed hours by giving them more flexibility.

The more accommodations you can make for your returning mothers, the better they will adjust to the new demands on their time.

Provide Paid Maternity Leave

There has been a largely unheard plea for longer maternity terms for new moms. New parents can get up to a year of paid leave in most developed countries after having a child.

For progressive companies that care about the well-being of their team, it’s helpful to provide new moms with extended leave that the company pays. 

Create a Hybrid Return Schedule

There should be an option for working mothers to work from home if required. Working from home offers many benefits, especially for moms with young kids needing attention.

Hybrid return schedules reduce stress since less commute or office socializing takes them away from their primary responsibilities.

Working from home during the transition can help families and businesses adjust smoothly. 

Office Accommodations

Employees returning to work at the end of their maternity leave will have special needs. Many mothers will require a place to pump breast milk privately.

Businesses should make every effort to make life easier for working moms. Companies can also improve their overall work environment to include flexible breaks, customizable hours, onsite child care, and wellness support.

The more comfortable new moms feel in the workplace, the more productive they can be. 

Having a family and a successful career is the right of every man and woman. To ensure that employees have a high level of satisfaction, more companies need to focus on their needs, including those of new mothers. Follow these tips to help create a more welcoming and understanding workplace for your employees with young children. 

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.