How to Achieve Your Health and Fitness Goals

As we get back to everyday life, with gyms opening and more time socializing, many of us are hoping to get back to our pre-pandemic lifestyles, including health and fitness.

However, after more than a year of challenges to stay fit and stay active, it can seem a bit challenging to achieve our goals once again.    

The great news for you is that you’ve done it before, and you can most certainly do it again. If you’re ready to make changes to improve your health and fitness, these tips below can help you get back to it.  

Plan Ahead

It can be helpful to plan your fitness journey. While just joining a gym can help you get started, it can be easy to fall off the wagon without some kind of plan in place. If you’re serious about reaching your goals, you’ll want to take steps to prepare.

Do you need a trainer to help you reach your fitness goals? What will your food intake look like to reach your metabolic weight loss goals, or do you want to improve your endurance for your sport?

Consider what is needed to reach your goals, and then make it happen. When planning, make sure to include both short-term fitness goals and long-term ones as well.

Pay attention to your nutrition

They say that 20% percent of your fitness goals have to do with getting enough exercise and 80% is what you eat. While percentages may range according to person, your nutritional intake is especially important for the goals you have in mind.

For example, if you’re training at the gym to build muscle and tone up, you’ll want to make sure to get enough protein. If you’re not eating enough superfoods, it will take you more time and effort to gain the muscle mass you’re looking for.

What you eat will impact your goals, so do your best to eat healthy food.

Set Realistic Goals

You may have an idea in your mind of how you want to look and may think you can get there in a short amount of time.

The problem with this is two-fold. Rapid weight loss tends to be due to unhealthy practices, such as not eating enough or eating disorders.

Additionally, to make improvements in your overall health, understand that the process takes time.

Rushing to lose weight or excessively working out will be detrimental to your long-term health, so if you’re looking to improve your fitness and health for longevity while avoiding eating disorders, slow down and set realistic goals.

Track and Celebrate Your Progress

Along the way, as you stay active, stick to your plan, and make sure you’re living healthy.

This will help you ensure you’re making progress. It’s hard work to improve your health and fitness, so as you hit short-term goals along the way on your way to long-term goals, make sure to track these wins and celebrate them.

Tracking your macros is one way to do this, and doing weekly or bi-weekly weigh-ins can also help you track your gym gains.

Being excited about your progress will help you make even more progress.

Don’t Forget Your Mental Health

Taking care of your mental health is key to overall health and even how well you do with your fitness goals. Staying on track with your physical health is tied in with how healthy you feel mental. As you work to reach your goals at the gym, make sure you take care of what’s going on in your mind, whether through therapy or meditation practices.

The better you feel, the easier it will be to reach your goals.

In Conclusion

Achieving your goals in fitness and health will take discipline and patience, but it is possible to get to where you want to go. Whether you work with professionals or plan your own fitness routines, you can get to where you want to be.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.