6 Way To Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

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Climate change is happening; there’s no doubt about it. The science is irrefutable, as are the catastrophic weather events happening around the world – fires, floods, and other natural disasters- all resulting from a warming planet. While humanity has progressed technology at an exponential rate, we’ve also sped up the warming climate. However, it’s not all doom and gloom. Many countries are now adopting commitments to net zero emissions by 2050. With some hard work and collective effort, we can avoid a worldwide disaster.

You can also do your part by working to reduce your household’s carbon footprint. In this helpful article, we’ll share six easy ways that you can do this, with practical steps and advice to follow. Read on to find out more.

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 Upgrade Your Climate Control System

If you have an outdated heating system, you might consider using HVAC services to upgrade your home’s heater.

For instance, a gas heater has a high carbon footprint because it requires fossil fuel burning to generate heat. The mining, production and transportation of gas contribute to an increased emission rate.

By switching to a more efficient heater, such as a heat pump or split system, you can significantly reduce your home’s carbon footprint.

In addition to doing your bit for the planet, you’ll also see a reduction in your heating bill, which is a win for your hip pocket.

Buy an Electric Vehicle

Another excellent way to reduce your household’s carbon footprint is by investing in an electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle, or EV.

These cars are either powered by a large-capacity battery (a pure EV) or a hybrid motor and battery combination.

A pure EV, with no petrol engine, is an entirely emission-free mode of travel. A hybrid, while still burning fuel, does so at a reduced rate compared to a fully fueled vehicle, lowering your personal emission rate and reducing your carbon footprint.

Compost Your Food Waste

Did you know that throwing out vegetable and fruit scraps in general rubbish contributes to methane emissions?

This is because the scraps get trapped under general household rubbish and generate methane as they decompose due to a lack of oxygen.

By composting your vegetable, food and other organic waste (not meat), you can reduce your household’s emissions while also generating a rich nutrient source for your garden.

There is an art to composting, with plenty of resources available online for the neophyte composter. 

Invest in Solar Panels

Another top way to reduce your personal carbon footprint is by investing in solar panels for your home’s roof. These will trap energy from the sun and feed it into your home, vastly reducing your power bill. In some cases, they can even generate income as you provide energy back to the grid. There is an initial outlay of cost that you should make back in power savings within a few years. Also, government rebates available can bring the cost of installation down significantly. 

Upgrade Your Appliances to Energy-Efficient Models

Did you know that some household appliances are so inefficient that they generate a large carbon footprint? Things like your dishwasher, dryer, washer, fridge and freezer can consume a lot of energy to run, giving you a high power bill and contributing to climate change.

Do an audit of all your appliances and check their energy star ratings. Ideally, you want four or five stars. For those under, consider replacing them with more energy-efficient models.

Appliances are expensive, especially efficient ones, so you may want to do this slowly to spread the cost over time. If you are a low income family, there may be government assistance available

Insulate Your Home

A poorly insulated home will leak heat and cool air in summer and winter peaks. It will also make your climate control system work overtime, contributing to your household’s emissions.

You can mitigate this by installing more insulation on your roof and walls. A properly insulated home will retain cold air in summer and warm air in winter, which means you will run your climate control less frequently, therefore saving you money and also helping to bring down your carbon footprint.

You’ll also notice the difference and feel more comfortable during the extreme peaks of summer and winter. 

A Carbon Reduction Conclusion

In this helpful article, we’ve shared six easy ways to reduce your household’s carbon footprint. You can do your part by upgrading your heating system to a more efficient, environmentally friendly model.

You can also help to bring your emissions down by buying an EV, composting your food scraps, investing in solar panels for your roof and upgrading your appliances to energy-efficient models.

Furthermore, a properly insulated home is an energy-efficient one. By following these tips, you’re doing your part for the planet and hopefully saving some cash along the way.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.