7 Reasons You Should Aerate, Scarify, Fertilize & Water Your Lawn

When it comes to taking care of your lawn, you have a lot of different options. But two of the most important things you can do for your lawn are aerating and scarifying.

These two practices are often overlooked, but they can make a big difference in the health and appearance of your lawn. Let’s look at why you should aerate and scarify your lawn.

7 Reasons You Should Aerate Scarify Fertilize Water Your Lawn

Why Aerate Your Lawn

  • Aeration is the process of poking holes into your soil to allow water, nutrients, and air to penetrate deep into the ground. This helps reduce compaction in the soil, which can damage or even kill grassroots over time.
  • Aeration also improves drainage in wet areas, helping to reduce the risk of flooding or standing water on your property.
  • Aeration also encourages new grass growth by allowing oxygen and nutrients to reach deeper parts of the soil that might otherwise be unreachable.

Why Scarify Your Lawn

  • Scarification is designed to remove thatch—a layer of matted-down dead grass stems and roots—from your lawn. Thatch buildup prevents water from penetrating deep into the soil and can prevent new growth from developing properly. Removing this buildup allows oxygen, water, and nutrients to reach deeper levels of the soil more easily, resulting in healthier grass growth overall.
  • Using a good lawn scarifier also helps promote better drainage during periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt because it eliminates any blockages that may have been caused by thatch buildup.

Why Fertilize Your Lawn

  • Fertilization is an important part of keeping your lawn healthy as well. Fertilizing provides essential nutrients that help promote lush green growth while suppressing weeds and disease-causing fungi or bacteria in the soil. It is best done after scarifying your lawn so that any fertilizer applied has direct access to deep levels of the soil where it can provide maximum benefit for your grassroots.

Why Water Your Lawn

  • Watering is essential for any type of plant or grass growth. Be sure to water deeply but infrequently so as not to encourage shallow root systems that are more prone to drought stress or disease outbreaks from fungus or bacteria present in standing water puddles on your property after rainstorms or snowmelt events occur. Drip irrigation systems are an excellent way to ensure consistent watering without wasting too much H2O!


Maintaining a healthy lawn requires more than just mowing and watering—you need to make sure you’re giving it some extra TLC with regular aeration & scarification if you want it looking its best all year round!

Not only will these processes help improve air circulation within your grass’ root zone while removing buildups like thatch, they will also help fertilizers reach deeper levels where they are most beneficial for promoting lush green growth while suppressing weeds & disease-causing fungi & bacteria alike!

Taking these steps will take some extra effort but will ultimately be worth it when you see how much healthier & greener your lawn looks after following these simple steps!

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.