How To Take Charge Of Your Morning And Start The Day Happy

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Do you have a special morning ritual to start the day happy?

If you one of the people who are snoozing the alarm several times maybe it is time for a change!

A good morning routine will help you to set your daily tasks a lot better. Nobody is saying there are not unexpected tasks and appointments! You will see these obstacles are easier to get over when you learn how to charge your mornings.

Many people practice some sport in the morning. Other love to have a healthy and delicious breakfast before they go to work. Moms love to have at least the chance to have their cup of coffee.

As the proverb goes, your day is going to be as good as your morning. Here are some of the best-known practices on how to take charge of your morning and start the day happy.

Set Up A Go To Bed Alarm

It sounds weird, doesn’t it?

Having enough sleep is one of the most important things for us. It is like an energy shot to our physical health. The average sleeping needs for adults up to 65 years old is between 7 and 9 hours.

Having enough sleeping hours will increase your daily energy and you will be able to stay more active.

Cutting your sleeping hours regularly could damage your memory and might increase the stress.

Here is why think twice next time when you stay late up to watch your favorite TV series. Go to bed on time and shine on in the mornings!

Tidy And Clean Home Is Equal To Happiness

It is a well-known fact that clutter and mess could make people more irritated and unhappy in general. Leaving chaos in your living space could be a reason for your bad mood.

Try to keep your home clean and tidy. Declutter from the things you don’t need and teach everyone in your home to follow simple rules. never, never leave unwashed plates, food leftovers, and empty boxes in your kitchen for the morning.

The morning is much happier when you enter your kitchen and you see everything in the right order. Waiting for you to prepare your coffee and breakfast.

Breakfast- The Most Important Meal For The Day

If you want to boost your metabolism and start your day full with energy don’t skip breakfast. It will be your fuel for the day so your mind and body will have enough energy to handle the busy schedule.

Having breakfast is giving you a little more confidence that you are having a healthy lifestyle and you take care of yourself.

According to some research people who eating breakfast are having a healthier lifestyle. They consume more fruits and vegetables and they are healthier mentally and emotionally.

Make Your Bed

Considered it as a first accomplishment for the day. Making your bed give you confidence that you can handle everything and mark it as completed in your planner.

Maybe it sounds a little bit ridiculous but here is how many famous people actually start their day.

Morning Exercise

Boost your body and mind with some morning exercises. You could run in the nearest park, hit the gym, or simply practice some home workout, stretching, or yoga. It is all about your preferences.

Honestly, it is good to mix the exercises- one day more intensive and more cardio. The next day- stretching or yoga. You will find how your blood flowing and reflecting on your consciousness and mood.

Plus, you will see a result over your body. This will make you feel great and improve your sense of well- being.

Be Grateful

Our busy daily routine obsessed us so much that we forget to look around and see small things that actually make our life great.

Being grateful and thankful is not a weakness. It shows your state of mind and life attitude in general.

Try to think of the positive first thing in the morning. No matter how many hard tasks you have during the day start it with optimism and expectations for a wonderful day.

New Day- New Opportunities

Make your best to move forward in any meaning. Think about the present and the future. Do not go back to yesterday. Take your lessons from the past and be better tomorrow. Remember the moments that made you happy and stronger.

Stick a motivational quote on the mirror or set it as a home screen of your phone. Set up the alarm with music that makes you happy.

Dance and sing and greet the new day grateful for being here in this moment.

Make a statement to yourself that this day will be your next the most wonderful day in your life!


How To Take Charge Of Your Morning And Start The Day Happy 1

Meditation is another great practice to do to start the day happy. It helps to clear your mind even in 5 minutes meditation session. It works on your concentration, focus, and creativity.

Avoid getting your phone in the hands right after you have opened your eyes. If you haven’t practiced yet, start with 5- 10 minutes in the morning.

Open the windows and breathe some fresh air first. Take several minutes relaxing, stretch your arms and legs, and stay peacefully for a while.

Set Your Priorities

Setting your goals and priorities will make you feel confident and satisfied. Here is why try to make a little progress every day and accomplish your tasks on time.

Schedule your daily routine in the way you will have time for everything and do not rush. Always leave even a little time to treat yourself.

How To Take Charge Of Your Morning And Start The Day Happy 2

Antoaneta's passion is healthy living, lifestyle, and sports. Her short stay in South France and USA is her wider source of inspiration. Interested in modern models of education, travel, and home interior.

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