A Get-Ready Checklist for Your Large Family Gathering

Many families are beginning to plan large gatherings to celebrate the warmer weather and reconnect with loved ones. Organizing and hosting such an event can feel overwhelming. There are many moving parts, from coordinating schedules to meal planning and everything in between.

To alleviate some of the stress, here is a comprehensive get-ready checklist. Whether hosting a formal sit-down dinner, a picnic in the park, or a backyard BBQ, the checklist ensures you have all the bases covered.

The checklist guides you through setting a date, sending out invitations, organizing activities for all ages, and stocking up on supplies. 

large family gathering

Date and Location

Start by asking family members for their input. Set the date and reserve the location. Consider activities that appeal to everyone, recruit family members to help with lodging arrangements if necessary, and create a backup plan in case of inclement weather. 

Whether you host the event at a more casual setting like a potluck in a local park, the venue sets the event’s tone.

Reserving a venue and caterer well in advance helps ensure a successful event. 

Sending Out Invitations

When sending out invitations, include all necessary information, such as date, time, location, and contact information for RSVPs.

Consider creating a family reunion website where family members can find the information they need in one place. 

Include pictures and stories to get everyone excited about the event. Have family members sign up for activities, recruit volunteers, and plan accordingly. 

Plan the Menu

Part of the planning process is creating a menu that suits everyone’s dietary needs and tastes. It is important to ask family members for input on what they want to eat and consider incorporating dishes unique to family history. 

Consider hosting a potluck where everyone contributes their favorite dish. Potluck takes some pressure off you and allows for various crowd-pleasing dishes. Alternatively, reserve a caterer to provide the event’s food.

Organize Activities and Entertainment

Reach out to family members to gather input on family reunion planning. Ask for ideas on activities and entertainment that would make the family reunion memorable.

Include family history and stories as part of the entertainment. Ask family members to share experiences and memories to make the event memorable. Use questionnaires to help family members rank activities they want to see at the reunion. 

Tailor the events to suit everyone’s preferences. To keep guests entertained, include fun activities like a photo scavenger hunt or family trivia games.

Decorate and Set the Mood 

Spring-themed decorations and table settings are an excellent way to add a festive touch to a family reunion. Consider the atmosphere you want to create.

A fun idea is to ask family members to bring mementos and photos to use as part of the decorations. They spark conversations about family history and create an inviting and warm atmosphere.

Name tags help everyone feel included and make it easier for family members to get to know each other. A keepsake like a photo album or t-shirt is a nice touch to remember the event.

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.