Purchasing Doors & Windows: Top Tips on Making the Right Choice

How often do you look at your windows or doors and just examine them for a minute? Consider whether they need some work, or need to be replaced. Likely not all too often, if at all.

And yet there are still scenarios and reasons where that should at least be an option, and if you have not chosen doors or windows before, you probably have no idea where and how to even start.

No problem, help is here, and once you are done reading, you hopefully will be equipped to make an informed decision that is good for your home and for your wallet. So, with the introductions out of the way, let’s get right into it. 

Purchasing Doors Windows 1

Type of Intervention

Let’s start with deciding what type of intervention is being carried out, renovation or new construction. If it is a construction and you are building a new home, your options are pretty much unlimited, and you have all the freedom in the world to pick out the right win dor windows with no problems with materials, sizes, or styles, it is all up to you.

But if you are renovating, you probably will have at least a few limitations. This is not only true in things like dimensions but also in something like masonry that doesn’t align with the requirements of the latest generation of doors and windows, which means it will need substantially more work to adapt the old frame to the new one. 

Your Needs

You should be clear on why you want new windows or doors. Are you looking to alter your home’s aesthetic? Or are you more interested in improving its energy efficiency? Maybe you want to increase your security or reduce the noise pollution from the streets.

Locking down what you want and need will help you narrow down your options and make the whole decision-making process smoother. This goes for pretty much anything in life, but it is very helpful here, too.

Set your Budget

You should set an approximate budget unless you have access to almost unlimited funds. This doesn’t mean you have to count every cent you spend or almost obsess over your expenses, but you should set an overall budget frame in which you can comfortably spend money without overshooting the mark or overspending.

Windows and doors are found in a wide range of different prices and don’t forget to factor in any additional features you want as well, like color options, built-in blinds, type of glass, and so on.

Sure, the cheapest option may seem appealing, but you know well enough that that often isn’t the best option, especially if you plan to stay longer in your house, and “cheap is not always cheerful” is a mantra you should absolutely keep in mind while browsing. 

Location of your House

Your needs as a customer change greatly depending on your home’s location, so a house just a few steps away from the sea will have completely different requirements than a wood lodge or mountain cabin.

This diversity of needs is also reflected in the choice of doors and windows. For example, if you live close to the sea, you are going to want to choose something like aluminum frames, a material that is especially resistant to salt and sun.

Similarly, the need for sound insulation will differ if you live in a city flat as opposed to a house in a quiet town in the country.

You are faced with many variables, and you have to prioritize what you consider most relevant for your own home. 


The choice of materials also plays a big role here, with the main materials for doors and windows being aluminum, PVC, and wood.

They each have different characteristics and it is vital that you put all your needs together into a basket to understand what doors and windows you want to choose with the material that suits them best.

At this point, it is a great idea to reach out to an experienced retailer and head to a showroom and meet them in person to check out for yourself the characteristics and quality of all the different materials.

For example, many people choose aluminum frames because they are sturdy, well insulated, practical, and give the home a modern, almost minimal design.

Wood, on the other hand, is preferred by those who would rather give their home a warm and comfy feel thanks to its natural material. However, it requires proper and regular maintenance to ensure it continues to look and perform as it should as time passes. 


Security is a vital factor, as windows and doors are the weakest point in any house from a security point of view, and more than 30% of all break-ins and burglaries occur through them.

Many people wonder what material is the most secure when faced with this issue. There are numerous factors to consider, but overall, it is safe to say that aluminum is definitely the most solid of the three types in that regard.

If you are trying to get to a higher level of security, you must include several elements in choosing windows or doors that are independent of the material.

For example, additional plates at the lock or the glass shatter-proof triple-glazing, unique locking systems, and other specifically designed anti-burglar devices.

There is actually a scale of security using values, in an anti-burglar capacity, where you have RC1, which you see at schools and gyms, to RC6, which you see at banks, and so on.

Again, location matters as well here. If you live in a huge city with rampant crime rates, security will be your priority over anything else, like atmosphere and curb appeal, but if you live in the country, that will be less of a concern.

Doors and windows are a huge factor for any house, not only from a curb appeal and look aspect but also functionality and security, so it is important that you know how to choose them properly before buying anything. 

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.