How To Save Money On Groceries (No Coupons Needed)

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Do you know how much you spend on groceries?

According to some recent researches, people spend 10 to 15% of their budget on food only.

Of course, you could imagine that there are people who spend much more. How to save money on groceries is the main question in our Family Finance topic.

You all know how cruel the stores are when it comes to promotions and bundle offers. They offer you the world for a dime- this is how it looks when you enter the store or the shopping center.

They expose everything promotional just in front of your nose and it is almost impossible to pass this hot offer. New products and flavors, bundles, and big fat combos.

Here are some great money savings hacks you could apply in your next trip to the grocery store.

#1 – Make A Shopping List

Make a real shopping list and stick to it. To be easier for you, first decide what to cook for breakfast, lunch and dinner in a weekly basis.

When you know exactly what the menu will be, you will follow the shopping list for real.

#2 -Limit Shopping Trips

The best you can do is limit your shopping time. There are so many interesting things to do instead. Here is why try to shop on a weekly basis. You will stick to the shopping list better and will avoid buying products you don’t really need. An easy way to save money on groceries.

#3 – Don’t Buy More Than You Need

Yes, buying something only because it is on a promotion or sale doesn’t mean you need it. Try to remember the last time when you declutter your fridge how many products were stacked on the backside of it.

#4 – Shopping On A Full Stomach

Never underestmate the psyhological part of the shopping process. The best advice when it comes to grocery shopping and money-saving is to shop on a full stomach. Why? It is very simple- when you are hungry you are more open for impulse buying.

#5 – Check The Highest And Lowest Shelves

One of the best way to save money on groceries is to avoid eyed-level shelves. Usually one of the most expensive products are exposed exactly there. If you look on the lower or on the higher shelves you could find a treasures.

#6 – Be Smart And Use Apps

Yes, smart technologies are invented to make our life easier. It is not a secret that they could help you save money. Apps like Ibotta, Receipt Hog, Checkout 51 and Fetch Rewards worth to be checked.

#7 – Pay In Cash

An old money-saving method. You know exactly how much you can spend and even to calculate each product you are adding in your basket. When you have a limited amount of money you are not able to fall in the trap. Plus, you will buy products you really need as vegetables and meat, instead of the junk food and a variety of ice cream flavors.

#8 – Read The Labels

Especially when it comes to fruit and vegetables. Sometimes they could be redicoulsly expensive because of their orgin or simply because they are not seasonal.

#9 – Explore Different Stores

How do you choose the grocery store to shop at? Distance, cashiers friendly attitude? Probably you have just a habit to go to a particular grocery store?

If you want to save money on groceries, try to explore different stores. Before you go shopping check their brochures and adds to compare prices. You will be amazed by the savings you could make.

#10 – Learn How To Freeze

Yes, there are so many great receips you can try and freeze. This trick is not only a money-saving it would give you an extra free time.

#11 – Buy In Bulk

The bulk section of the grocery stores could be a golden field. Some of the products you could get on a really good price are some basis like pasta, rice, flour, or nuts.

#12 – Online Shopping

Many stores offer an online shopping service that saves a lot of time, plus money-saving. You are cutting the time on the cash registry, plus you are cutting impulse buying of products you don’t need. Another advantage is the payback checks many of the online stores offer.

#13 – Think Green

Get your own shopping back. Have you ever calculated the amount you spent for shopping bags? And not only, you should think how to reduce the usage of plastic bags.

#14 – Count And Calculate

Yes, if you calculate the price of the items you are adding on the shopping cart, you won’t be that surprised in the end. Plus you will keep a better attention to the products price in general.

Often you are buying some products without paying a lot of attention to their real price. You will be surprised how much you could save comparing prices and quantity.

#15 – Cook And Experiment

Yes, you can have breakfast for dinner and your kids would love the idea. Sometimes easy recipes with basic products are the cherry of the pie.

How To Save Money On Groceries (No Coupons Needed)
Antoaneta's passion is healthy living, lifestyle, and sports. Her short stay in South France and USA is her wider source of inspiration. Interested in modern models of education, travel, and home interior.

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