If your kids are fussy eaters, it could be challenging for you to encourage them to eat fruits and
vegetables that are packed with nutrients.
While some kids may love specific fruits, many don’t fancy eating veggies because children usually strongly dislike bitter tastes.
The good news, though, is that modern parents can gradually find diverse ways to sneak this nutritious produce into their children’s diet.
One effective strategy is to turn to smoothies. These are great healthy snack options packed with
as many vitamins and minerals as consuming them in their original state.
Smoothies can be incorporated with other healthy ingredients that integrate and create more decadent flavors, allowing your kids to love them. Discover more here and find other options to prepare smoothies
Invest in good health by trying out the following smoothies for your kids:

Spinach Apple Smoothie
If your child doesn’t eat many veggies, it’s time to incorporate them into a smoothie. The apple
and banana in this recipe disguise spinach’s flavor, so your kid won’t be able to tell that there’s a
green leafy vegetable content.
Spinach is an excellent source of fiber and contains a lot of Vitamin K, C, A, potassium, and iron. You will need to blend them all and add yogurt as the dairy ingredient since it contains good probiotics.
Thus, it’s the best smoothie for your kid to have lots of vitamins and probiotics.
Mango Peach Smoothie
You can always forego adding dairy into the smoothie for lactose-intolerant kids. One flavorful
option is to prepare this mango peach smoothie.
They are dairy-free but taste sweet and are definitely delicious for your baby. Surely, they won’t be able to resist this combination smoothie.
To enhance the consistency of your smoothie, you can chill or freeze the mango and peach, then
finally, blend them to make a smoothie.
Mangoes are a great source of vitamin A and C, while peaches contain vitamins E, K, iron, zinc, copper, and many more. With these two fruits alone, your child can gain lots of nutrients.
Weight-Gain Smoothies
You can use smoothies to help your toddler gain weight if your pediatric doctor recommends it.
The key here is to incorporate protein-rich ingredients into the smoothie.
Some of these weight-gaining elements could be full-fat yogurt, peanut butter, avocado, healthy oils, and hemp seeds.
You can serve them together with other fruits and vegetables that would all taste together.
The secret here is to serve these smoothies during every meal for your child to gain weight
However, ensure to keep a variety of flavors so your kid won’t feel bored or fed up
with the taste.
It’s only a matter of time, and your child will gain more weight and become
stronger than before.
Breakfast Dates Smoothie
One unique smoothie option is to create a date smoothie for breakfast. Not all children are fans
of dates; however, since they contain many nutrients, it’s essential to use them as a smoothie
The sweet taste of dates is accompanied by low sodium levels and high fiber content.
Some of the vitamins and minerals found in them are folate, thiamin, potassium, zinc, and
To start with, incorporate milk when making your date’s smoothie, then blend and
serve it fresh to your child.
Orange Smoothie
Your kid needs a sufficient supply of vitamin C to boost their immune system.
Fortunately, this is the ultimate health benefit found in oranges. If your kid loves the orange flavor, you can create an orange smoothie for them.
Make this smoothie part of your breakfast, or serve it as a snack after school to keep your kids healthy all year.
Berry-licious Smoothie
Berries are great antioxidants and the main star in this smoothie. This smoothie is great to be
served during breakfast, lunch, snacks, or dinner.
If you live in a region where berries grow all year long, this is the ultimate go-to smoothie to prepare for your child.
What you need are some frozen berries. Make them diverse, so include strawberries, blueberries,
and raspberries.
Add yogurt or milk, and blend them all together with crushed ice. Forego adding
sugar as the berries already taste naturally sweet.
Thus, the beautiful color of this smoothie is intriguing enough for your child to drink it.
Tropical Smoothie
Another way to increase fresh fruit consumption for your child is to incorporate tropical fruits
into your smoothie.
Buy some oranges, pineapple, and bananas. Add lemon juice and milk.
Adding kale or spinach is optional, but this is a great way to disguise the taste of vegetables, so
it’s best to take advantage of the rich tropical flavors.
This tropical smoothie is rich in vitamin C and is known for improving digestion.
They’re also effective in lowering risks for heart ailments and cancer. Protect your child’s health by preparing
a tropical smoothie for them.
There are many ways to get creative with fruits and vegetables.
All these delicious smoothie options on the list are surefire ways to make your kid consume the intended vitamins and nutrients they need.
You can always mix and match them with other fruits and veggies.
To add flair to their smoothie drinks, pack them in their favorite drink bottles so they can carry them at