Toys Your Child Can Learn and Have Fun With to Better Their Vocabulary

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Children of all ages love to play. It’s important for them to be curious and explore with all five human senses.

Besides, this is the age when their brains are developing. Feed the minds of your children with the knowledge to benefit them in the future.

Worried if your child needs to seek speech therapy? Help them at home the best you can to get them speaking. The therapy sessions don’t need to be the only areas of word building, do so in the comfort of your home.

Help your child better their vocabulary by spending time with them and investing in toys that will help them build their vocabulary. With that said, it’s important to get toys that will encourage your child to speak by themselves. Here are a few toys that can get your child started.

Inspector Play Kit

As mentioned before, kids are curious about anything and everything! Get him this hands-on experience kit where they can learn about reality. This kit allows children to see, touch, and interact with real-life items such as cups.

This is great in showing them house items are fun to use while implementing the importance of providing for the self. In addition, many picture puzzles and cards are included, which will encourage your child to want to know what is the item or creature on the picture.

Speak with your child and tell them about the images. Let them learn through their curiosity to help them build their vocabulary. Doing this will be fun and encourage your child to speak greater vocabulary.


This is the leading tool that encourages children to learn and read by themselves. LeapFrog has significantly grown in the past years. It is known for helping kids succeed through the age range of preschool.

There is a variety of LeapFrog based toys to help your child learn new words to eventually communicate. Go through the many toys that you think will best benefit your child’s vocabulary. 

With this education toy, your child will be encouraged to explore through words. When the toy tells them the word, they will want to repeat it. This is great in having your child learn through the listen and repeat the technique. With this, your child’s speech will grow in no time.

Alphabet Chart

Install an alphabet chart on your wall! Your child will be drawn to the letters and photos. This will encourage their curious minds in wanting to know what those images are. At the same time, they will be learning the sounds of each letter.

The alphabet is the beginning key to learning the English language. Share this time with them in going over every letter and providing an example word and image to show them the letter being used. 

With so many letters in the alphabet, it is important to remain patient. Your child will eventually learn every letter in the alphabet and the ways they are used. Start them will alphabetical success now!

Speak and Spell

When encouraging children to better their speech, conversing with them is important to do, having a simple conversation with your child, especially a conversation about something they are curious about will encourage your child to gradually speak. 

Besides having a genuine conversation, there are toys that can speak with your child and encourage them to speak back. In addition, they can learn spelling as well, which will also help with learning the alphabet. 


All these toys are just a few that are recommended to help assist and encourage your child to speak. It is your choice to choose multiple or a couple of toys to get your child’s voice moving. Only you know your child best and can tell what will motivate them to speak.

After all, all these toys share the similarity of encouraging the child to speak on their own. Although they encourage the speech of children to go, it needs to be remembered that children will only speak when they want to. This is similar to kids choosing to eat when they want to and what they want to consume.

Besides these toys, speech therapy is always a resource you can try. Take steps to see how much learning and what types of learning help your child. Also, take your time with your child’s speech because your kids are going at their own pace.

Lastly, feel free to continue your own research for what’s best to help with speech in children. The child’s thirsting mind can try several ideas. 

Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.

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