19+ Beautiful Ideas for Valentine’s Day Decorations in Bedroom

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“Love me tender, love me sweet”… You heard it right, Cupid is coming and will strike you with his arrows. Are you ready to meet him? Here are the most beautiful Valentine’s day decorations in the bedroom.

Valentine’s Day is all about flowers, candles, wine, and chocolate. Yes, this is the day when you can see red and pink hearts everywhere, and this inspired us to select the most stunning Valentine’s Day decorations for bedroom in our lovely Pinterest board.

Yes, it includes flowers, candles, chocolate, but also many other things to decorate the bedroom and ignite the passions!

Start the morning of Valentine’s Day with a romantic breakfast in bed; try to add more romance and surprises. You can make heart-shaped pancakes or omelets.

Add fresh flowers and a small Valentine’s gift (Valentine’s cupcake, or a special Valentine’s cake).

If the weather is warm enough, you can organize a lovely balcony breakfast with special themed table decoration, so you can feel the love in the air.

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Beautiful Ideas for Valentine’s Day Decorations in Bedroom

Keep Valentine’s spirit all day and of course, leave the high tide for the evening with a special dinner, cocktails, and romantic games for two.

Decorate the bedroom while your loved one is still at work. Give a romantic atmosphere in the bedroom with dimmed lights or simply place scented candles in the bedroom. Of course, you need to keep an eye on the burning candles so you can avoid fire accidents.

Make the entire bedroom look more romantic and change the ordinary curtains with chiffon or satin ones.

Choose an interesting fabric for your bed cover especially for St. Valentine. You can bet on elegant white, pearl, or gold hues. You can add some heart-shaped throw pillows, or at least replace the pillowcases with themed ones.

To get the ultimate romantic feeling you can add a canopy of chiffon over your bed. Decorate it with fairy lights. Sprinkle flower petals, candies, and heart-shaped confetti on the bedsheets. You can even shape a heart or write “I love you” with rose petals.

Make this Valentine’s Day even more romantic using your own photos. Put them in special frames and place them around the bed. You can attach them to the heart-shaped balloons if you are looking for more impressive decoration.

Place vases with fresh flowers, or even, one of the latest trends is to use flower boxes where you can even choose a heart-shaped one.

Last but not least, add romantic music.

1. White& Red Rose Petals

Rose petals and candles all over the bedroom. Shape hearts or lovely words using flowers and candles.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

2. Blush Pink Heart Balloons

A few dozens of heart balloons, flowers, and wine are a great way for Valentine’s Day decorations in bedroom. Add some of your best pictures on a fairy light string and enjoy the moment.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

3. Love Balloons

Another lovely decoration with balloons and personal touch with your own photos attached.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

4. Teddy Bear

Celebrate the day of love with a traditional huge teddy bear and a bouquet of ‘love” balloons.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

5. Rose- Candle Alley

Everything you desire for the perfect Valentine’s evening in one picture. Rose petals and candles will walk you to a special Valentine’s day gift. Flowers with a special love note on each step you take.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

6. “I Love You”

Say “I love you” with these gorgeous red and white roses boxes.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

7. Gold Hearts

When you want to escape from red Valentine’s day decorations in bedroom, you can choose golden hues, blush pink, and shiny white.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

8. Red is the Color of Love

A traditional Valentine’s Day inspiration.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

9. Valentine’s Day Breakfast in Bed

Make this Valentine’s day more romantic with a surprise and lovely breakfast in bed.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

10. Fabric Heart Garland

You can celebrate the day of love with simple Valentine’s day decorations for bedroom like these gorgeous fabric heart garlands.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

11. Farmhouse Valentine’s Day Bedroom Decor

Ivory Valentine’s Day decoration in farmhouse style.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

12. Sophisticated Bedroom

Sophisticated and elegant bedroom decoration without too many items, but the right ones.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

13. Love Throw Pillows

Place some framed pictures and love posters, you can find some brilliant printables here. Change the pillowcases with thematic ones and you will get the Cupid’s arrows right on spot.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

14. Valentine’s Fairy Lights

Fairy lights chiffon for more romantic fever.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

15. Boho Valentine’s Day Bedroom Decorations

Boho love in its gorgeous vision.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

16. Foil Heart Balloons

A room filled with balloons, and a romantic bouquet of roses.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom
source: @shopparis312

17. All-Pink

You don’t need to add anything here, just a vase with flowers.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

18. Elegant Bedroom for Valentine’s Day

Blush pink bed cover, fresh pink roses, and a scented candle. Less is more.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

19. Love Notes

When you want to confess on this special day, love notes garland with your feelings is everything you need to win her heart.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

20. Girls Valentine’s Day Room

For the special girl in your heart.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

21. Be Mine

Conversational Valentine’s Day decorations in bedroom- from a “Be Mine” garland to special throw pillows and cocktails.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

22. Fairy Lights Decoration

Fairy lights are great when you want to dim the light.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

23. Rose Patel Heart

A giant rose petal -candle heart around the bed is an impressive Valentine’s Day bedroom decoration.

Valentines Day Decorations in Bedroom

More Romantic Valentine’s Day Ideas

Antoaneta's passion is healthy living, lifestyle, and sports. Her short stay in South France and USA is her wider source of inspiration. Interested in modern models of education, travel, and home interior.