20+ Gorgeous Fall Decor Ideas and Tips

Ah summer, it was so good while it lasted.

Yet before we start lamenting the loss of everyone’s favorite season, let’s not forget that we have another season to look forward to that’s different but just as good. It’s fall!

Pretty soon, we’ll all be wrapping ourselves up warm, sipping hot chocolate and spiced cinnamon lattes, and all-around enjoying the simple fruits of the season.

Embrace the changing season and inject those autumn colors into your home. Here is how to do it! 

PS: Orange color completely voluntary!


Nothing says welcome fall like a gorgeous doormat!

gorgeous fall decor

Door Wreath

The classic staple each home, have you upgraded yours yet? This gorgeous design is using simple fall leaves, pine cones, and a bit of golden touch for small pumpkins.

gorgeous fall decor

Cozy Knits

Fall is all about cozying up at home with your loved ones. Make it super comfy with some new knits.

gorgeous fall decor

Out With the Summer Fun

We’ve all been enjoying the great outdoors for the past few months, but those days are going to slowly wind down in the coming weeks. Our backyards, which we’ve been spending so much time in, are now going to be left more or less to their own devices until Spring pops around again. To make sure your yard is as enjoyable next year as it was this year, then you’ll need to bring in the furniture, toys, and tools that you’ve been using when the weather has been fine. They’ll only be claimed by the elements if you don’t.

gorgeous fall decor


Pumpkins make a perfect centerpiece and also a super inexpensive accessory to welcome fall into your home.

gorgeous fall decor

Scandinavian Touches

No need to go overboard with orange and dark tones when you can achieve the same with a color-neutral approach.

gorgeous fall decor

Beware the Elements

And talking of elements, let’s not forget that those bluebird days are going to be replaced by lashing rains and ferocious winds. This is all good and well when you’re wrapped up securely in your home, but take a moment to remember that your home might not be quite as well protected as you believe. Many homes are susceptible to flooding, and the owners don’t even realize it. You might be one heavy rainfall away from waking up to a house full of water. If you’re concerned or have had flooding issues in the past, look at having a flood control system installed for example by Morning Noon Night Plumbing & Sewer

gorgeous fall decor

Rustic Inspiration

Farmhouse feeling and decoration add another layer of coziness to your home. Plus these small accessories don’t cost a fortune either!

gorgeous fall decor

Darker Hues

Spring and summer are all about light colors, life, and freshness. As such, it’s good practice to have light yellow pillowcases, flowers, and light drapes. When fall arrives, these features will look out of place. Instead, you’ll want to have darker hues. Switch out the light pillow colors for brown ones, replace the flowers with candles, and get atmospheric lighting so you can readily sink into that cozy feeling. They’re subtle differences, but you’ll notice them!

gorgeous fall decor

Fireplace Feature

The feature place of your home deserves a few more special touches. Don’t go overboard with orange tones and choose something earthy-looking with a farm-like feel.

gorgeous fall decor

DIY Caramel Apples Decoration

They look almost good enough to eat! Tutorial in the link under the image.

gorgeous fall decor

Table Setting

Stunning table setting for a festive occasion like thanksgiving.

gorgeous fall decor

Stylish Touches

Not a huge fan of fall decor? It can be done super stylish with minimal effort too.

gorgeous fall decor

DIY pumpkins

Fancy making something yourself? How about these fabric pumpkins?

DIY pumpkins

Let There be Light

Moody lighting is essential to the cozy fall feeling.


Light & Smells

Cinnamon and candlelight – what can go wrong?


Fall in your Kitchen

A small vase with fall blooms and a few candles is all it takes to bring the fall into your kitchen!

fall kitchen

Farmhouse Display

Get the expensive designer look on a budget with a fall decor ideas like this one!

farmhouse feel

Outdoor Lights

Statement outdoor lanterns to welcome your guests.

outdoor lights

Inexpensive Touches

DIY golden leaves that will add a touch of glamour to your fall decor.

fall leaves

DIY Fall Lanterns

Make these beautiful and simple DIY fall lanterns.

fall lanterns
Julie Higgins
Julie is a Staff Writer at momooze.com. She has been working in publishing houses before joining the editorial team at momooze. Julie's love and passion are topics around beauty, lifestyle, hair and nails.

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