Do you remember some of your childhood hobbies? One of my favorite ones was to draw and design outfits for my dolls.
I had even designed the remarkable red gown from the Pretty Woman movie from the old red hosiery.
Today, as a grown-up, I am lucky to have my hobby as a dream job. How about you?
Yes, the kids, the daily routine, and work appointments often cut our time for activities we really love and somehow recharge us. No matter how busy you are having your own precious time is also important.
Have you heard about Pittsburgh Enjoyable Activities Associations? According to its research spending your spare time doing leisure activities is good for our mental and even physical health. A hobby you loved makes you sleep better, reduces stress, and not least makes you happy.
But how to relax and choose a hobby while you are at home? Do not worry, I don’t consider cleaning the windows a hobby, even though I have a friend who really loves and enjoys doing that.
Here are some truly wonderful home activities you could turn to your next hobby.
#1 – Planting
Take care of your home garden.
There are so many ways to grow plants at home. Start with some flowers for your windows. Try with herbal pots and succulents.
#2 – Learn A New Hairdo
As a busy mom probably you have used to wear your hair on a simple ponytail or you have decided to cut it and don’t even waste time thinking on how to dress it?
Well, it is time to show your glow and start making new, easy, and stunning hairstyles suitable even for busy moms.
#3 – Follow A New Blog
It is like finding a new TV series to watch, but with benefits.
You will find interesting and useful sources of information and ideas from decoration to education and parenting. This could inspire you to find the real passion of a hobby.
#4 – Make A Furniture Makeover
A furniture makeover, curtain alternatives, sometimes a little makeover of your home could open your real potential and surprise yourself how good you are.
#5 – Start Learning A New Language
Speaking languages is a treasure. Today’s smart technologies are useful not only to plan and connect easier, but there are plenty of educational apps giving you the golden opportunity to educate yourself, and even for paper writing service online. So, be smart and take advantage of the new era.
#6 – Learn How To Apply A Makeup
There are so many makeup tutorials to watch on the web. Honestly, some of them could leave you speechless. Except for the makeup techniques they are good for the product reviews and feedbacks.
#7 – Create Your Own Fragrance
One of the hobbies I would pick up for myself. I have tried this in a French fragrance laboratory and believe me, it is an experience for life. Of course, there are so many essential oil starter sets that you can get and learn how to mix and match at home.
Dive into aromatherapy and essential oils. Learn how to combine them as a real french perfumer.
Besides their magical aroma, they have the ability to treat some health issues, keep the bugs away from your home and plants. You should try this, it is really passionate. Once you started you will want to experiment with candles and even homemade soaps.
#8 – Wake Up The Inner Artist
Everyone could be an artist. It all depends on the point of view. You probably know and heard about painting on a glass of wine? You could organize a painting wine Saturday night.
Alone or with friends, a hobby that will inject you with positive and good feelings.
Coloring books are not for kids only. There are so many adults alternatives that could inspire the sleeping artist in your heart.
#9 – Start A Home Based Workout
You know the positives of working out. Skip the crowd in the gym and sports hall.
You could get a personal trainer online or a program specially designed for you in your home. You will save time following your program at a convenient time for you, plus you could cut expenses.
#10 – Meditate
I don’t know about you but for me, this home-based hobby seems a mission impossible. With almost two years one around finding a quiet time for meditation is like going on a baseball match with a book.
Now, serious- if you have a quiet environment at home, this hobby is the best you can pick up. And, do you know what, it is the most inexpensive one. Some of the positives of meditation are stress reduction, anxiety control, and even fight with many addictions.
#11 – Explore New Recipes
Cooking and trying new tastes and recipes could turn into a wonderful hobby. If you are new in the kitchen with something easy.
Get level higher step by step. Explore different fields of culinary and you will find your real passion for cooking.
#12 – Read
This could be related to meditation. A good book could open wider horizons, help you reach unknown places, and give you the chance to travel in time.
#13 — Journaling
Writing is an inexpensive habit that provides great personal benefits.
In its many forms, writing can be therapeutic and fun. If you’re feeling anxious or overwhelmed by life, simply writing down your thoughts can help you unload the emotional and mental burden.
Writing on a regular basis enables you to process your emotions and thoughts, which lends you some much-needed clarity to make level-headed decisions on things that matter.
It also helps you exercise your creativity. A lot of ideas take cognitive space because they remain unresolved. By writing things down, you can refine those ideas, follow them to their conclusion, and have more headspace for your imagination to thrive and develop.
With all these benefits from one simple habit, it’s easy to see why writing can be one of the most rewarding things you can take up for yourself.
So make this habit easy to maintain. Integrate it into your routine, so you don’t miss a session. Get yourself a beautiful journal to write in and maybe even a classic fountain pen set to make it just a little more special. And, of course, have your own quiet little corner for writing so you can compose your thoughts well.
Once you’re writing every day, you’ll notice the benefits immediately.